Multiple Sclerosis Patient Results

Brain Tune Up! Protocol Patient Case Studies in Springfield
We hear it over and over again. Today, 5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease. Another 2.4 million Americans living with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Countless others quietly suffer because they are aware their brains are not working like they should.
We’ve been programmed to believe that memory loss is a part of the normal aging process. We’ve been told by doctors that it’s impossible for someone with Alzheimer’s disease to improve.
Well, today, I get to say, WRONG.
While every Springfield patient is unique and results vary, our patient case studies are representative of the kind of outcome you can expect when you join me.
Your brain is what makes you who you are. If your brain is not working or you know someone who is struggling with their brain let me help today. No gimmicks. No empty promises. Brain Tune Up! Is science-based. Are you ready to take action? Are you ready for results?
Understanding The MoCA & MSQ Tests
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
- The short-term memory recall task (5 points) involves two learning trials of five nouns and delayed recall after approximately five minutes.
- Visuospatial abilities are assessed using a clock-drawing task (3 points) and a three-dimensional cube copy (1 point).
- Multiple aspects of executive functions are assessed using an alternation task adapted from the trail-making B task (1 point), a phonemic fluency task (1 point), and a two-item verbal abstraction task (2 points).
- Attention, concentration, and working memory are evaluated using a sustained attention task (target detection using tapping; 1 point), a serial subtraction task (3 points), and digits forward and backward (1 point each).
- Language is assessed using a three-item confrontation naming task with low-familiarity animals (lion, camel, rhinoceros; 3 points), repetition of two syntactically complex sentences (2 points), and the aforementioned fluency task.
- Finally, orientation to time and place is evaluated by asking the subject for the date and the city in which the test is occurring (6 points).
26 – 30
Normal Range
25 – 17
Mild Cognitive Impairmentl
16 – 0
Alzheimer’s Disease
Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ)
The Mental Status Questionnaire (MSQ) provides a brief, objective, and quantitative measurement of cognitive functioning of elderly people. It was intended for use with patient or community samples but results show it to be less appropriate in community studies. The ten items in the MSQ were selected as the most discriminating of 31 questions taken from existing mental status examinations and from clinical experience. The questions cover orientation in time and place, remote memory, and general knowledge.
Scoring/interpretation: The MSQ score counts the number of errors, so a score of 0 is ideal; omissions are counted as errors. Three groups of severity of chronic brain syndrome were proposed according to number of errors made: 0-2 errors – none or minimal; 3-8 errors – moderate; 9 or 10 errors – severe. The SPMSQ established four categories: intact mental functioning, borderline or mild organic impairment, definite but moderate organic impairment, and severe organic impairment.

Female, Age 62
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 62, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for the last four years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, attention, naming, language, abstraction, orientation, and executive functioning.
Evaluation: Outside Evaluation (Clinical Trial); then Brain Tune Up! laboratories.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 12 months
Results: MoCA Score improved from 9 to 17
Results: MSQ Improved 18 to 15
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function, subjective improvement in symptoms burden. Was able to return to her former employment.
- MoCA Score Improvement 89%
- MSQ Score Improvement 17%

Female, Age 75
MCI-Elevated ATI (CSF)
Patient Info: Female age 75, ApoE E3/E4, suffering from MCI-Elevated ATI (CSF) for the six months.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, calculation, naming. Significant affective component (depression).
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant, CSF analysis (42/40 ratio, ADMark Profile). Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 6 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 21 to 25
Results: MSQ Improved 47 to 6
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function, subjective improvement in symptoms burden. Mood and gait has had significant improvement also.
- MoCA Score Improvement 19%
- MSQ Score Improvement 87%

Patient Info: Male age 65, ApoE E3/E4, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease & Major Depression Disorder for last 1 1/2 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, attention, language, orientation.
Evaluation: Sleep Study, MRI of the brain, CSF evaluation (42/40, ADMark Profile). Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 6 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 8 to 12
Results: MSQ Improved 45 to 20
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function, subjective improvement in symptoms burden. Mood and gait has had significant improvement also.
- MoCA Score Improvement 50%
- MSQ Score Improvement 56%

Male, Age 69
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 69, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 4 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, calculation.
Evaluation: MRI (no NeuroQuant), lumbar puncture (ADMark Profile) Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 18 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 19 to 26
Results: MSQ Improved 21 to 17
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function, subjective improvement in symptoms burden. Has been able to remain at work.
- MoCA Score Improvement 37%
- MSQ Score Improvement 19%

Female, Age 71
Vascular Dementia
Patient Info: Female age 71, suffering from Vascular Dementia for last 4 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, executive function, visuospatial skills, attention, language fluency, orientation, depression.
Evaluation: MRI (no NeuroQuant), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 12 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 11 to 12
Results: MSQ Improved 61 to 34
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Patient is cognitively stable. Subjective improvement in symptoms (MSQ) of 44%, improved function and quality of life.
- MoCA Score Improvement 10%
- MSQ Score Improvement 28%

Female, Age 64
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 64, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 18 months.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, executive function.
Evaluation: MRI of the Brain (no NeuroQuant), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 24 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 20 to 24
Results: MSQ Improved 40 to 10
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function. subjective improvements in symptoms burden, quality of life, function.
- MoCA Score Improvement 20%
- MSQ Score Improvement 75%
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Male, Age 77
Mild Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 57, suffering from Mild Cognitive Decline for last 4 months.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, calculation.
Evaluation: MRI of the Brain (no NeuroQuant), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 16 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 24 to 28
Results: MSQ Improved 39 to 24
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function. Subjective improvements in symptoms burden, quality of life function. Blood pressure improved (reduced medications).
- MoCA Score Improvement 17%
- MSQ Score Improvement 39%

Male, Age 57
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 57, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, executive function, visuospatial skills, attention, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI (no NeuroQuant), lumbar puncture (ADMark Profile), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 6 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 15 to 27
Results: MSQ Improved 7 to 3
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function to normal range of MoCA. Subjective improvement in symptoms burden, including energy and well-being. Plans to return to work.
- MoCA Score Improvement 80%
- MSQ Score Improvement 57%
How’s Your Memory?
Take my free Brain Tune Up! Memory Loss Assessment today!

Female, Age 68
MCI, Major Depress. Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Polypharmacy
Patient Info: Female age 68, suffering from MCI, Major Depress. Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Polypharmacy for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, executive function, visuospatial skills, attention, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant, Lumbar Puncture (42/40 ratio, ADMark Profile). Findings inconsistent with AD., Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 10 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 26 to 27
Results: MSQ Improved 34 to 18
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Significant improvement in function, quality of life, patient her “old self,” writing her biography, playing piano again, “joie de vivre.”
- MoCA Score Improvement 4%
- MSQ Score Improvement 47%

Male, Age 85
Patient Info: Male age 85, suffering from MCI for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant (hippocampal volume 9th %ile), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 4 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 20 to 21
Results: MSQ Improved 11 to 7
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function and subjective improvement in symptoms burden.
- MoCA Score Improvement 4%
- MSQ Score Improvement 36%

Male, Age 86
Moderate Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 86, suffering from MCI for last 6 months.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, executive function, visuospatial skills, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI (no NeuroQuant), Neuropsych testing, Lumbar Puncture (42/40 ratio – low, ADMark Profile), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 4 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved from 22 to 24
Results: MSQ Increased 43 to 73
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function. But subjective worsening of symptoms (largely anxiety and depression).
- MoCA Score Improvement 9%
- MSQ Score Improvement 0%

Female, Age 80
Moderate Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Female age 80, suffering from MCI for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, language expression.
Evaluation: Neuropsych testing, MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score 23 to 23
Results: MSQ Improved From 65 to 62
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Cognitively stable. Significant issues related to stress and anxiety (currently being addressed).
- MoCA Score Improvement 1%
- MSQ Score Improvement 0%

Female, Age 72
MCI clinically. Biomarker findings consistent with AD.
Patient Info: Female age 72, suffering from MCI clinically. Biomarker findings consistent with AD for last 18 months.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, calculation, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant, Lumbar Puncture (42/40 ratio, ADMark Profile). Biomarker findings consistent with Alzheimer’s disease, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 8 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 22 to 26
Results: MSQ Improved 47 to 44
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Significant variation in MoCA during monthly encounters, as low as 21/30. Consensus was patient not consistent with lifestyle changes.
- MoCA Score Improvement 4%
- MSQ Score Improvement 7%

Male, Age 60
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 60, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, executive function, naming, orientation.
Evaluation: Neuropsych testing, MRI of the brain (no NeuroQuant), Lumbar Puncture, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 8 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 17 to 21
Results: MSQ Improved 43 to 25
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function. Subjective improvements in symptoms burden, quality of life, function.
- MoCA Score Improvement 24%
- MSQ Score Improvement 42%

Female, Age 74
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 74, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 5 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, naming, language, calculation, abstraction, attention, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the Brain (no NeuroQuant), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 16 months.
Results: MoCA Score improved from 2 to 5
Results: MSQ Improved 39 to 24
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Despite decline in objective measure of cognition, there has been marked subjective improvement in symptoms, quality of life, function.
- MoCA Score Improvement N/A%
- MSQ Score Improvement 38%

Male, Age 64
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 64, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 5 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, naming, language, calculation, abstraction, attention, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain (No NeuroQuant), FDG-PET, Lumbar puncture, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 4 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 13 to 19
Results: MSQ Improved 39 to 38
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement cognitive function. No definite subjective improvement according to spouse.
- MoCA Score Improvement 46%
- MSQ Score Improvement 3%

Female, Age 65
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 65, ApoE E4/E4, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Impairment in memory visuospatial skills, executive functioning, language, calculation, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant (hippocampal volume 5%ile), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 16 months.
Results: MoCA Score Declined From 12 to 17
Results: MSQ Improved 38 to 22
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Continued to have objective cognitive decline. Subjective improvement in symptoms, quality of life, function.
- MoCA Score Improvement 0%
- MSQ Score Improvement 42%

Male, Age 50
Subjective Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 50, ApoE E3/E3, suffering from Subjective Cognitive Decline for last 8 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, attention, focus, concentration, word-finding difficulty.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant (hippocampal volume 49th %ile), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 8 months.
Results: MoCA Score remained within normal limits from 27 to 28 over time.
Results: MSQ Improved 88 to 57
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Overall objective improvement on MoCA 4%. Subjective symptoms improvement over time.
- MoCA Score Improvement 4%
- MSQ Score Improvement 54%

Male, Age 70
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 70, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 5 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, word-finding, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, attention, abstraction, orientation
Evaluation: MRI of the brain (No NeuroQuant), FDG-PET, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 2 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 19 to 24.
Results: MSQ Improved 16 to 4
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Remarkable and rapid overall objective improvement in cognitive functioning. Subjective improvement in symptoms. Continues to work as an attorney and gives speeches.
- MoCA Score Improvement 26%
- MSQ Score Improvement 75%

Male, Age 80
Mild Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 80, ApoE E4/E3, suffering from Mild Cognitive Decline for last 6 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, visuospatial skills, executive function, orientation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain with NeuroQuant, Lumbar Puncture (42/40 ratio low, ADMark shows low ATI, but P-tau borderline), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 19 to 20.
Results: MSQ Improved 30 to 38
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Overall objective improvement on MoCA by 5%. Mild worsening of subjective symptoms.
- MoCA Score Improvement 5%
- MSQ Score Improvement 27%

Male, Age 57
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 57, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Severe multidomain deficits in memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, naming, language, attention, abstraction, calculation.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain (No NeuroQuant), Neuropsych testing, Lumbar Puncture, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 0 to 5
Results: MSQ Improved 36 to 16
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Overall good progress given degree of dementia. Stable weight and MSQ is 56% improved.
- MoCA Score Improvement 400%
- MSQ Score Improvement 56%

Male, Age 80
Subjective Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 80, suffering from Amnesia for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Subjective impairment in memory, dizzy spells, tremors.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA improved from 26 to 30.
Results: MSQ Improved 31 to 20
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Sleep quality is good and a 35% improvement in the MSQ.
- MoCA Score Improvement 15%
- MSQ Score Improvement 35%

Female, Age 56
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 56, ApoE E4/E4, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for the last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain(No NeuroQuant), PET, Brain Tune Up! laboratories.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months
Results: MoCA Score improved from 5 to 8
Results: MSQ Improved 14 to 8
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Overall good progress given degree of progression. MoCA improvement is 60% and MSQ improvement is 75%.
- MoCA Score Improvement 60%
- MSQ Score Improvement 75%

Male, Age 69
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 69, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, concentration, judgement.
Evaluation: MRI of the brain(No NeuroQuant), Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 6 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 19 to 26
Results: MSQ Improved 29 to 17
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function. Improvement in mood and work is going well. Patient working to keep stress down.
- MoCA Score Improvement 39%
- MSQ Score Improvement 41%

Male, Age 80
Patient Info: Male age 80, ApoE E3/E3, suffering from Subjective Cognitive Decline for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Subjective impairment in memory, navigation, concentration, “brain fog”.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 4 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 26 to 29
Results: MSQ Improved 25 to 4
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Patient has had an overall subjective improvement on MoCA 12%. The MSQ improved 84%.
- MoCA Score Improvement 12%
- MSQ Score Improvement 84%

Female, Age 83
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 83, ApoE E3/E4, suffering from Mild Cognitive Decline for last 6 years.
Symptoms: Subjective impairment in memory, navigation, concentration, “brain fog”.
Evaluation: MRI Brain W/ NeuroQuant, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 23 to 27
Results: MSQ Improved 31 to 20
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function and subjective improvement in symptoms.
- MoCA Score Improvement 18%
- MSQ Score Improvement 35%

Male, Age 79
Mile Cognitive Decline
Patient Info: Male age 79, ApoE E3/E3, suffering from MCI for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory and concentration.
Evaluation: MRI Brain W/ NeuroQuant, Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 11 to 15
Results: MSQ Improved 47 to 34
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function and subjective improvement in symptoms.
- MoCA Score Improvement 36%
- MSQ Score Improvement 28%

Male, Age 73
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 73, ApoE E4/E4, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 3 years.
Symptoms: Significant impairment in reasoning, language skills, memory, attention, and complex problem solving.
Evaluation: Lumbar Puncture & Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 7 to 12
Results: MSQ Improved 63 to 34
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: No improvement in MoCA but patient is doing remarkably well. Can hold a normal conversation and has improved MSQ.
- MoCA Score Improvement N/A%
- MSQ Score Improvement 85%

Male, Age 70
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Male age 70, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Significant impairment in reasoning, language skills, memory, attention, and complex problem solving.
Evaluation: PET Scan, MRI Brain, Lumbar Puncture & Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 3 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 19 to 27
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function and subjective improvement in symptoms.
- MoCA Score Improvement 42%
- MSQ Score Improvement N/A%

Male, Age 77
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Patient Info: Male age 77, ApoE E4/E4, suffering from MCI for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory, concentration, delayed recall.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 6 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 23 to 25
Results: MSQ Improved 17 to 7
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function and subjective improvement in symptoms.
- MoCA Score Improvement 9%
- MSQ Score Improvement 59%

Female, Age 74
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 74, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 13 years.
Symptoms: Severe multidomain deficits in memory, visuospatial skills, executive functioning, naming, language, attention, abstraction, calculation.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 5 months.
Results: No MoCA’s done patient to cognitively not aware.
Results: MSQ Improved 107 to 64
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Despite decline in objective measure of cognition, there has been marked subjective improvement in symptoms, quality of life, function.
- MoCA Score Improvement N/A%
- MSQ Score Improvement 40%

Female, Age 54
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 79, ApoE E3/E3, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory & concentration.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 3 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 14 to 18
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function.
- MoCA Score Improvement 21%
- MSQ Score Improvement 51%

Female, Age 79
Alzheimer’s Disease
Patient Info: Female age 79, ApoE E3/E3, suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease for last 2 years.
Symptoms: Impaired memory & concentration.
Evaluation: Brain Tune Up! Labs.
Treatment: Brain Tune Up! Program for 3 months.
Results: MoCA Score Improved From 14 to 18
Dr. Sharlin’s Notes: Objective improvement in cognitive function.
- MoCA Score Improvement 29%