Have a Neurological Disease? We Can Help! Brain Tune Up! Protocol
How Brain Tune Up! Protocol Can Help You If You Have A Neurological Disease
If you’re affected by neurological disease, you got to think about what traditionally happens. You go to the doctor, the doctor makes a diagnosis after taking a good history and physical, and generally recommends a treatment. That treatment by and large is a medication. Sometimes it’s a surgery, sometimes it’s some therapy, but generally it’s a medication. The problem is that the medication is going to be prescribed generally for the rest of your life. If you think about it, that medication is largely suppressing your symptoms, but if you stop the medicine, the condition comes back.
Dr. Sharlin’s Brain Tune Up! Protocol Benefits
So the benefit of the Brain Tune Up! program is to be able to come to a physician to get help addressing the root causes of your condition. I can use medication in my clinic to treat you if we need to because I’m a medical doctor. But if you want to address the root causes of your condition, what I can offer you is the possibility of helping you to change that trajectory so that you are not on medication in the long run, or the dosing of that medication is kept to a minimum.