The Future of Medicine has Arrived!
This is Functional Medicine
By Dr. Ken Sharlin
Understand My Brain Tune Up! Protocol
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol gives you a way to identify the root cause of your disease.
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My Ozark And Springfield Functional Medicine Clinic
Normally, when you see the doctor you are prescribed medication to treat your brain or nervous system condition, but it only works for as long as you take the medicine. What I discovered through my education and years of experience in functional medicine is when an illness is addressed at the root cause level the result can be resilient health. Are you ready for a dramatic change in your health’s trajectory?
- With his unique toolset, Dr. Sharlin helps on average 2 out of 10 patients discover they have incorrectly diagnosed with a chronic illness.
- Dr. Sharlin’s The Healthy Brain Toolbox, Neurologist-Proven Strategies to Prevent Memory Loss and Protect Your Aging Brain is an Amazon bestseller.
- No other treatment program in the world combines genomics, functional medicine and neurology. This is the Brain Tune Up! Protocol!

Illnesses & Conditions
Our Functional Medicine Practice Treats
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Chronic Migraine
- Numbness or Tingling
- Epilepsy
- Fibromyalgia
- Weakness
- Seizures
- Dizziness
- Movement Problems
- Vision Problems
- Sleep Problems
- Motor Neuron Disease
- Gut Health
- Hormone Imbalances
- Nutrition & Diet
- Genomics
- Memory Loss
- Inflammations

Brain Tune Up! Protocol.
Dr. Sharlin’s Revolutionary Treatment Program
Over 90% of all Brain Tune Up! Patients treated scored higher in their Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test upon completion.
Our Solutions
Neurologist Dr. Ken Sharlin’s unique Treatments and Protocols.
Simply click a section below to be directed to the main page for the treatments and protocols listed.
Bredesen Protocol
Trained by Dr. Dale Bredesen, Dr. Sharlin provides the Bredesen Protocol for patients seeking this treatment and testing at reduced costs compared to other providers. I have integrated Dr. Bredesen’s Protocol for Reversal of Cognitive Decline into my Brain Tune Up! Program to give participants interested in this specific approach a practical way to apply these complex principles in their lives. The ReCODE Protocol is designed to help improve memory in those affected by Alzheimer’s disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Subjective Cognitive Impairment.
- Clearer and More Precise Memory
- Improved Planning or Problem Solving
- Increased Energy Level & Mood
- Return To Normal Daily Activities
- No Longer Feel Disoriented or Confused
- No Longer Struggle For Right Words
- No Longer Struggle For Right Names
- More Confidence In Decision Making
Alzheimer’s Disease
Our treatment protocol has done the impossible! We have successfully reversed cognitive decline in patients dealing with various stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The future of Alzheimer’s treatment.
- Clearer and More Precise Memory
- Improved Planning or Problem Solving
- Increased Energy Level & Mood
- Return To Normal Daily Activities
- No Longer Feel Disoriented or Confused
- No Longer Struggle For Right Words
- No Longer Struggle For Right Names
- More Confidence In Decision Making
Memory Loss
DETECT. UNLOCK. IMPROVE – Three Steps To Reversing Memory Loss. Are you ready for more than a pill? Then we welcome you to Neurologist Dr. Ken Sharlin’s Brain Tune Up! Program for Memory Loss.
- Over 90% of all Brain Tune Up! patients treated scored higher in their Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test scoring upon completion of program.
- 100% of Brain Tune Up! patients experienced improvement on their MSQ (Medical Symptoms Questionnaire). AVG decrease of 40%.
Wahls Protocol
rained by friend Dr. Terry Wahls, Dr. Sharlin provides the nation’s most innovative and effective Multiple Sclerosis treatment. No experimental drugs!
The Wahls Protocol, named for Dr. Terry Wahls, is a functional medicine-oriented approach to treating multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions. It emphasizes specific nutritional strategies, movement, and stress-reducing practices with targeted supplementation to reverse the course of these chronic diseases.
- Improved Vision
- Reduced Tingling
- Less Numbness
- Pain Reduction
- Less Muscle Spasms
- More Energy
- Better Balance
- Sharper Memory
Multiple Sclerosis
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis gives you the tools to not only improve your short term health, reduce and eliminate flare-ups, but help you develop skills that will allow you to continue this improved trajectory for the rest of your life.
- Improved Vision
- Reduced Tingling
- Less Numbness
- Pain Reduction
- Less Muscle Spasms
- More Energy
- Better Balance
- Sharper Memory
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), gives you the tools to not only improve from a disease you know that has been labeled a death sentence. We will identify the root cause of ALS and work to get you back to a healthier you.
- Improved Ability To Walk
- Ability To Do Normal Daily Activities
- Reduced Tripping or Falling
- Increased Strength In Upper Body (Arms & Hands)
- Increased Strength In Lower Body (Legs & Ankles)
- Reduction In Daily & Evening Cramping
- Improved Speech & Communication
- Swallowing Has Become much Easier
Chronic Migraine
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol for Chronic Migraine has allowed many individuals who were suffering from migraines the ability to live migraine free. This is a debilitating condition where we have had great success in identifying the root cause and then developing a custom treatment program for patients that works.
- Energy To Tackle My To-Do List
- Ability To Get Out Of Bed, Leave House
- Ability To Enjoy Public Places
- Ability To Enjoy Social Activities
- Reduction In Missing Work
- Increased Daily Appetite
- Generally Less Fear and Stress
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol for Fibromyalgia has successfully treated patients suffering with fibromyalgia for years without any hope in sights as traditional medicine and medications continued to fail them. Brain Tune Up! identifies the root causes and then we work to create a unique treatment program for you.
- Less Anxiety & Depression
- Reduced Stiffness
- Reduced Numbness
- Fewer Headaches
- Less Pain & More Energy
- Improved Sleep
- Better Concentration
- Lift The “Fibro Fog”
Parkinson's Disease
The Brain Tune Up! Protocol for Parkinson’s Disease has restored hope for my patients. Labeled with a death sentence, traditional medicine has given you no hope. My program aims to identify and treat the root causes of of your disease. Allowing patients to do the impossible… actually improve!
- Clearer & Louder Speech
- More Vigor
- Increased Energy
- Better Handwriting
- Reduced Tremor
- Less Rigidity
- Improved Posture & Balance
- Reduced Stress
Our Results
View my published patient sampling case studies.
I have accomplished what billion-dollar drug companies have not been able to do. Soon to be published in peer-reviewed literature, I am here to tell you that I have successfully reversed memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease using the strategy I call The Brain Tune Up! Protocol.
We have been told it’s impossible to reverse cognitive decline. That Alzheimer’s disease is a death sentence. Memory loss cannot be improved. Well here is PROOF of just how WRONG traditional medicine is. While every patient is unique and results vary, this sampling is representative of the kind of outcome you can expect when you join me.
Traditional Medicine
We recommend you contact your insurance provider to confirm service coverage. All copays are due at the time of your visit. Our General Neurology practice accepts:
- 1 visit – avg. number of visits per year
- 20 min – avg. time per year with your doctor
- 7 out of 10 – visits result in a prescription
- Basic lab testing – that only scratches the surface
- No additional support – after you leave the office
Sharlin Functional Medicine
We recommend you contact your insurance provider to confirm service coverage. All copays are due at the time of your visit. Our General Neurology practice accepts:
- 6 visits – avg. number of visits per year
- 345 min – avg. time per year with your doctor
- 1 out of 10 – visits result in a prescription
- Advanced lab testing – gives a complete picture of your health
- Unlimited messaging – with your health care team, anytime.
Why This Matters?
We recommend you contact your insurance provider to confirm service coverage. All copays are due at the time of your visit. Our General Neurology practice accepts:
- Stronger doctor-patient relationships
- More time with Dr. Sharlin to identify the root causes of your illness and understand your health history and symptoms
- Save money on less prescriptions
- Our doctors build a complete picture by testing over 1,000 biomarkers
- Continuous support from our team including a board-certified doctor, nutritionist, occupational therapist, physical therapist and emotional code practitioner.




Alzheimer’s Disease
Take My 21 Question Brain Tune Up! Protocol Memory Loss Risk Assessment To Understand Where Your Brain Health Is Currently And How You Can Improve Memory Loss Before It’s Too Late.
If you’re affected by neurological disease, you got to think about what traditionally happens. You go to the doctor, the doctor makes a diagnosis after taking a good history and physical, and generally recommends a treatment. And that treatment by and large is a medication. Sometimes it’s a surgery, sometimes it’s some therapy, but generally it’s a medication. But the problem is that the medication is going to be prescribed generally for the rest of your life.
The benefit of my Springfield functional medicine clinic is to come to a physician to get help addressing the root causes of your condition. I can use medication in my clinic to treat you if we need to because I’m a medical doctor. But if you want to address the root causes of your condition, what I can offer you is the possibility of helping you to change that trajectory so that you are not on medication in the long run, or the dosing of that medication is kept to a minimum.
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