Refer to two critical and over-lapping functions in the systems that govern how the body works. Traditionally structural integrity refers to membranes within and surrounding the individual cells, as well as the musculoskeletal structure of the body. Transport, most generally, refers to blood vessels and lymphatics. But the definitions can be broadened widely to encompass critical, life-supporting aspects of human nature.
Transport, beyond the blood circulation and lymphatic system, can encompass all aspects of biology from the whole organism to the individual cell and its subcellular organelles. Transport applies to situations where conveyance from one part to another part is required for function. While this can mean transportation of oxygen in the heme molecules of red blood cells, nutrients and hormones in the blood stream, it can also refer to transport of electrons through the electron transport chain of the mitochondria, the transport of messenger RNA into the cytoplasm where it is transcribed into protein, and the efficiency of transporter molecules in the blood and cell membranes for hormones, fatty acids, essential minerals, and glucose. The modifiable lifestyle factors of Sleep, Movement, Nutrition, Stress, and Relationships should be evaluated for areas of need and corrective measures taken to improve balance within structural integrity and transport in the functional medicine matrix.
Understand The Seven “Nodes” on the Functional Medicine Matrix
Defense & Repair
Structural Integrity & Transport
Read Neurologist Dr. Ken Sharlin’s Blog
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