by functional | Feb 10, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease
Neurologist Ken Sharlin Responds The question frequently comes up, when someone has a family member, perhaps a grandparent or a parent that has been affected by Alzheimer’s Disease, whether they as well will develop Alzheimer’s Disease? Now, there are a...
by functional | Jan 25, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease
The First Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease First Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease Explained by Dr. Ken Sharlin I’ve been asked, what are some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease? And I would say, in general, let’s divide it up into two camps....
by functional | Jan 19, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis: Correct or Incorrect? We see a lot of people in our practice who have been told they may have Alzheimer’s disease. or they do have Alzheimer’s disease. You have to step back and see how that diagnosis was made. Sometimes they go to...
by functional | Sep 6, 2016 | Alzheimer's Disease
I read an article recently reporting on results of a drug trial hailed as the best news for Alzheimer’s disease research in 25 years. Are we really on the verge of a cure? Dr. Sharlin Responds: Lately the press is reporting on an article published in the September...