by functional | Jul 31, 2018 | Alzheimer's Disease, Functional Medicine
Dr. Sharlin – Reversing Memory Loss For many years I practiced conventional neurology, in the dark about the real reasons that people experience memory loss, and some develop Alzheimer’s disease. I accepted the notion that memory loss was just part of getting...
by functional | Oct 20, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease, Women's Health
Hormones and Alzheimer’s Disease As I’ve mentioned, in women’s brains, particularly those that are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and who are carriers of this APOE4 gene, there are noticeable differences in the structure and function of the...
by functional | Oct 20, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease, Women's Health
APOE4 Gene Alzheimer’s Disease Testing For Women In terms of this APOE4 gene and women’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease, it’s very interesting to note that human beings have what are called sexually dimorphic brains. What does that mean? That...
by functional | Oct 20, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease, Women's Health
Hi, I’m Dr. Ken Sharlin with Sharlin Health & Neurology. We’re going to talk a little bit today about the remarkable differences in Alzheimer’s disease when it comes to looking at the risk for women compared to men. Now, there are about 46.8...
by functional | Feb 10, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease
Neurologist Ken Sharlin Responds The question frequently comes up, when someone has a family member, perhaps a grandparent or a parent that has been affected by Alzheimer’s Disease, whether they as well will develop Alzheimer’s Disease? Now, there are a...