by functional | Dec 18, 2017 | Functional Medicine, Video Blog
Brain Tune Up! In this video blog I explain what types of people we generally feel make an ideal fit for our program and what you can expect within the...
by functional | Oct 20, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease, Women's Health
Hormones and Alzheimer’s Disease As I’ve mentioned, in women’s brains, particularly those that are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and who are carriers of this APOE4 gene, there are noticeable differences in the structure and function of the...
by functional | Oct 20, 2017 | Alzheimer's Disease, Women's Health
APOE4 Gene Alzheimer’s Disease Testing For Women In terms of this APOE4 gene and women’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease, it’s very interesting to note that human beings have what are called sexually dimorphic brains. What does that mean? That...
by functional | Oct 19, 2017 | Functional Medicine
What My Patients Are Saying I am excited to share with you this quick testimonial video of recent Brain Tune Up! Intensive patients as they share their experiences and results from my program. Showcased are testimonials for fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis,...
by functional | Apr 17, 2017 | Functional Medicine, Woman's Guide To The Brain, Women's Health
Adrenal Fatigue Explained: This is Karen’s Story Karen was the third person to see me in the past couple of weeks with nearly the same medical history. She is a registered nurse who worked until the birth of her now 15-month-old child. Her symptoms started...